Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Abjure: to reject
Diffident: Lacking in self-confidence; shy
Sanguine: Cheerful
Circumlocution: An indirect way of expressing something
Endorphins: Mood enhancers that send confidence and satisfaction to the brain
Irrational: without reason or sound judgement
Rational:having exercised reason and sound judgement
Ambiguity: doubtfulness
Intuitive: perceiving by intuition
Assimilate: to incorporate as one's own
Causation: the act of producing
Frivolous: self-indulgently care-free
Adversity: an unfortunate event or circumstance
Stipulate: to specify in terms of agreement
Optimistic: practicing the expectation of a positive outcome
Simulations: imitation
Normative: pertaining to a norm
Interrelated: mutually related
Optimal:best or most favorable
Quantitative: may be estimated by quantity

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I really want to study the psychology of having fun and being happy by tying it into works of The Ellen Show. I also want to take a closer look at the psychology of decision making and how that affects one's ability to be happy and have fun. I believe working for the Ellen show would be the funnest thing in the whole world, her show makes so many people so happy and she helps so many people all around the world by just making them laugh for an hour a day. Being happy should be everyone's ultimate goal in life and I think most of us forget about that by the overwhelming urge to be successful in terms of careers and money, we forget to actually take time to figure out what really would make us happy. Studying these topics will help me focus on what I really want by learning about something that I think is very important.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Cognitive:pertaining to the act or process of knowing, perceiving, remembering
Mundane: common or ordinary
Merriment: cheerful
Etymology: word origin
Evanescent: vanishing or fading away
Novelty: state of being new or unique
Reconciliation:to bring into agreement
Scant: limited
Unscrupulous: unprincipled
Tentative: unsure or uncertain
Inception:the beginning
Brevity:shortness of time, briefness
Empirical:derived from experience or experiment
Seminal:original, influencing the development of future events
Dissemination: spreading widely
Exemplify:to show by example
Valence: the capacity of one person or thing to react with or affect another in some special way
Impediment: obstacle
Vagary: an unpredictable event
Transitivity: transitional

Monday, February 3, 2014


1.- Exposition: The beginning of the story explains how Harriet and David first met one another and how quickly they fell in love. It showed them during their happiest of times plan the life the both of them had always wanted. They talked about their future with a house full of kids and they very quickly made that dream come true.