Saturday, November 2, 2013

Filter Bubbles

I've never realized or even taken the time to really think about what's actually happening when you're using the internet as a search engine or tool to find out more information about a certain topic or subject. I've never even second guessed why so many different links come up with one simple search and why it may be different to someone else who is searching the same exact thing as you at the same exact time. You would think that it the exact same results would pop up for every person at any time if the same thing is being searched, but I learned that that is not the case. Every search you make and every time you innocently click on a link that you decided is best, you are customizing and building your own "filter bubble". A filter bubble is your own personal unique universe online. Websites such as Google and Yahoo are using personalization and these filter bubbles when giving search results. This really changed my perspective about what I find online. I've always felt confident, for the most part, in what I find when searching something but this has made me realize that I shouldn't always click on the first result that pops up.

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